Arena Rules
To All Wainwright Equine Centre Riders,
The Wainwright Equine Training Society is a registered Society under the Alberta Societies Act and operates under the local name of the Wainwright Equine Centre (WEC). The WEC is managed by the Societies voting members and its Board of Directors (BOD), who are elected from the Societies voting members for a one year term at the WEC Annual General Meeting held in the fall.
The WEC is located in a building that is leased from the Town of Wainwright, and is not a public facility, as it is managed by a membership group and the BOD. Therefore, there are bylaws in place for the WEC to run the facility as they feel best, ensuring all members are treated fairly. There are rules posted around the facility and on the membership forms that each member is required to respect and follow, to remain in good standing.
Over the course of previous indoor seasons there has been some misunderstanding as to who manages the facility, and as to the building being a “Public” facility. As a result it has been decided to send out to all individuals and families who use the facility, this letter.
At the south end of the arena (the equine entrance) there is a table with a sign-in book, waivers, and membership forms (which includes acknowledging you have read the “Code of Conduct”.
You must sign this paperwork at the beginning of your membership term (eg. 1, 3, 6 months), again at the beginning of January, and at each renewal time of membership. The waivers will be in effect for the term of your “membership”. Waivers must be completed for each member of the family.
The sign-in book is to be signed each time you ride at the facility.
If you are paying a drop-in fee, you must complete a membership form at the start of the season, so we have your contact information on file.
If all applicable waivers are not signed prior, YOU DO NOT RIDE.
Access to the arena is by key code only. Riders must contact a board member for the code (preferably by phone). As this is NOT a public facility, please do not distribute the key code.
If a problem arises with the facility, with another rider, a member of the BOD, or the BOD itself, we ask you to please bring up the issue in writing to the BOD so it can be presented at the next monthly meeting. A decision will be made regarding the issue and you will be notified of the results. We ask that any issues be discussed with the BOD and not on social media. Please maintain discretion while we try our best to work the problem out.
If you or a group you belong to would like to book the WEC for an event or function, please make contact through our website at least two weeks prior to the date. A signed rental agreement and a 25% deposit must be received within 7 days of the date requested. We will try our best to fit the rental into the area schedule, while trying to maintain our riding times for our membership riders. Should you wish to bring in an equine professional (eg. Equine Clinician, Equine dentist, Massage/Chiropractor, etc), please contact the BOD prior to the date to confirm facility availability and procedures.
All Members, Board Members, and Drop-in Users are to abide by these guidelines. Please take time to read the Membership Code of Conduct. Choosing not to follow these rules will be dealt with as follows:
First Office – a verbal warning;
Second Offence – a written letter stating what will happen if the offence occurs again;
Third Offence – a six month suspension from the facility;
Following this you will be put on a year suspension from the facility; and
Lastly you will be asked to leave for a total of five years.
If the Verbal Warning is not heeded to immediately, this will be followed by a letter immediately, and then the next offence consequences will proceed to (c), etc.